The formation of the Rebel Yell’s glorious state has been a long time in the making, but our glorious leader assures you that everything is going to plan and us under control. He would also like to inform you of the following changes.
1. City Hall is now to be referred to as Stu and Azza’s Hall of infinite super glory
2. ABC’s Hungry Beast is now to be referred to as The Hungry Beast that eats everyone else’s jokes and digests them as their own shit.
3. Recycled opinions are now illegal under our glorious revolution; everyone’s dialogue will be recorded and cross referenced against A Current Affair, Oprah, First year university texts and Hungry Beast. If your opinions are a replicate of these without accompanying independent thought and reasoning you will be asked to stop ‘reckoning’ things and grow a personality.
4. Room 101 is undergoing maintenance, until further notice room 101 services can be found online at our government website, follow the prompts and please remember that we are watching.
I reckoning that a superfrone should be erected atop Stu and Azza’s Hall of infinite super glory so that I may claim it as my own