Rebel Yell

Rebel Yell is a propagana blog designed to make you feel ways about stuff. Stu and Azza

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hungry Beast in a blogshell.

Tonight on Hungry Beast we deal with the big issues, take sides against evil media empires and give you loads of quotes other people said.

                                       “My visit to
                                Tawang is non-political
                               and aimed at promoting
                                universal brotherhood
                                and nothing else.” The
                                Dalai Lama, visiting the
                                disputed territory of
                                Tawang on the Indian-
                                   Chinese border

                                   “It is a funny thing
                                   with my family, but
                                   for the last 12 years
                                    I have always said
                                   I’m going to win the
                                 lottery.” Les Scadding
                      of Wales, 58, an unemployed mechanic,
                  who won £45.6-million ($79.8-million) in the
                 Euromillions lottery. He says he’ll treat his wife,
                   38-year-old Samantha, admitting that since
                      Christmas he has    been a “kept man”
                         because of a          scarcity of work

Rapists. Are they really all that bad? You decide, well, at least try anyway, this piece will leave you wondering what just happened? We'll bring up a delicate issue, interview people about it, and maybe even give you some 'facts'. This will leave you wondering, is "Hungry Beast a comedy show or a weak A Current Affair clone?", and if you work it out, tell us because we're not sure either!

What about big business eh.
$100,000,000,000 is the amount earned by some company.
$350,000,000,500 is the amount earned buy one guy.
$100 is a much smaller amount than the other two.
Down with corporations and government and all that stuff.

Some famous guy or something said something, we reckon that's pretty bullshit.

*insert more quotes made into a picture*

So guys, that's all we had time for today go onto our website and send us more stories to get quotes about or send in your shit videos. Bye!

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