Rebel Yell

Rebel Yell is a propagana blog designed to make you feel ways about stuff. Stu and Azza

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ivan Canright's First Book!

A brand new author, Ivan Canright, straight out of year 10 English has published his first full length short story 'The tale of a man with a flower in his breast pocket' with Rebel Yell Publishing.

Here is an excerpt from Canright's first piece.

"The man stood quite still on the side of the old English cobbled road, he was wearing a brownish, grey fedora hat which sat atop his mousy brown hair that wasn't quite shoulder length but nearly was, also it was a little bit curly, more wavy if anything. His shirt was an off white, possibly due to it's age, as it was quite an old shirt, and it had a breast pocket, this breast pocket contained a small white flower, it wasn't all that obvious as it was almost the same colour as the shirt on which it resided. He was also wearing pants, they were normal.
The man, who's name wasn't very interesting, saw a woman. The woman was wearing..."
- I. Canright 

With blazing reviews such as;

"Ivan is always on time and never missed a class" - Mr. Smope, Maths Teacher

"He has an adequate grasp on the english language and always approached creative writing with enthusiasm" - Mr. Bell, English Teacher

"I'm not sure what you're getting at..." -  Dan Brown, Pillock, "Author"

A story full of overly explained, unnecessary sentences with very little actual substance, a classic year 10 creative writing masterpiece.

Don't miss out! Buy this full length short story today!
Only $35.99 from all small family owned, local bookstores.

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