Rebel Yell

Rebel Yell is a propagana blog designed to make you feel ways about stuff. Stu and Azza

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Interview with a Phraser

Our prized interviewer catches up with Colin the master phrase maker.

Rebel - So you coin phrases for a living?

Colin - Does a bear shit in the woods? ha. yes of course he does.

Rebel - If the current trends in environmental change permits.

Colin - Yes in fact I coined the phrase 'to coin a phrase'

Rebel - Oh good. Sorry i'm a little unprepared, we were supposed to be interviewing John Elton but he died. Of Cholera. Unexpected.

Colin - So you've been thrown in the deep end, also one of mine.

Rebel - Ah, so it appears you take a lot of work home with you?

Colin - Ah, sorry?

Rebel - You know you take a lot of your WORK home with you...

Colin - I'm sorry i don't understand.

Rebel - Well you use a lot of phrases in every day life.

Colin - Yes I invent them.

Rebel - So sayings just come naturally for you?

Colin - Yes i'm a chip of the old block.

Rebel - So your father was in the business as well?

Colin - No he died when I was young.

Rebel - Is there any money in coming up with phrases?

Colin - Ha i have money coming out of the wazoo mate.

Rebel - So your wealthy then?

Colin - No i'm horribly poor, you see a wazoo doesn't exist, I came up with it in fact.

Rebel - I don't want to be a wet blanket but we aren't paying you for this interview.

Colin - Wet Blanket? can i use that?

Rebel - No it's already quite a common phrase

Colin - Well it sucks anyway,I just came up with a better one "damp blanket"

Rebel - Thats almost exactly the same thing.

Colin - I don't tell you how to do your job.

Rebel - You were telling me how to do it earlier before the interview, I was quite offended.

Colin - Alright, lets let bygones be bygones

Rebel - What is a bygone? I imagine some kind of two sided polygon.

Colin - It's a phrase, that I invented. Well if i'm not getting paid i'm out of here like a French hen.

Rebel - That didn't make any sense but thanks for coming on the show

Colin - Your out of sugar sachets.

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