He is most commonly known for his discovery of gravity and his laws of motion.
Well, so what.
People praise him like he invented gravity, and many people actually think he did, but all he did was give something a name.
Gravity always existed, it wasn't like people were just floating around pre-5 July 1687, that's when he published PhilosophiƦ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, in which he first discussed gravity.
I'm aware the book discussed a few thoeries and such but did it have to have such a pretentious name, I mean what's wrong with Isaacs big book about stuff he reckons, it's almost as long and doesn't make him sound like such a jerk.
By now you're probably thinking;
"Well, sure, I guess he didn't really 'discover' gravity, but look at his laws of motion or all the other good work he did."
Well his laws of motion were more of the same! Just naming stuff that happens that nobody else cared enough about to give names to. Then drew a few formulas.
"So and that's how the laws of motion work!"
Pfft, get stuffed Isaac, you jerk!
And that's gravity... apparently!
What a jerk!
And as for his other stuff he did! Well I don't really know what else he did, hang on a tic while I look at wikipdeia for a bit.
Take look at the pretentious bastard while you wait.
Sure he had a formula for everything, but check out that beak!
Here's something I bet you didn't know, he was born prematurely, he was a small child; his mother Hannah Ayscough reportedly said that he could have fit inside a quart mug! That's only about 1.1 litres! Yeah, that's right, your hero was a tiny weak child at one point. What he was doing inside of quart mugs is anyones guess, mine is that it was for some sleezy reason.
He was also once engaged in his late teens to a Miss Storey, but what happened of that? Who knows, I bet he broke the poor gal's heart. Some genius, sounds like a cold-hearted prick to me.
He never ended up married, believed to be asexual. Too good for anyone else by the sounds of things.
Theory of gravitation,
Theory of colour binomial theorem,
Theory of finite differences,
Theorem of revolving orbits,
Theory of the Moon's Motion
and many more.
He sure had a lot of theories but have at look at his hair! What a douche.
You couldn't theorise that rug pretty!
So in short, Sir (how pretentious) Isaac Newton, is a big jerk.
I've no doubt opened your eyes about this fraud. Fraudulent in the way that he is made to look like a hero, but is really a bell-end, not in the way that he stole other peoples ideas (but he probably did.)
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